Know All About: The Last Three Navratri
Navratri means nine sacred days that mark the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar and hugely celebrated around the country. This is also called Maha Navratri, the festival falls in lunar month, the month of Ashwin and it comes during sharad ritu. According to a few hindu texts Navratris come four times a year while some texts say it comes twice a year, generally, they are celebrated twice a year and the one that comes before Diwali are the most celebrated ones. After this, the summer one, called vasanta navratri is the second most celebrated one. Now, since only three days are left in the. Navratris, today being the seventh day and the remaining two days. The navratras will be ending on the 15th of October and 16th of October shall be Dussehra.
Navratris are celebrated to Durga Maa and her 9 avatars. This festival is celebrated to show respect to Durga Maa over her win against demon Mahishasura and she represents Victory of Peace and Dharma over Ego and Evil.
Day 7
This day is dedicated to Durga Maa’s Avatar called Goddess Kalratri. She is also known as Navdurga. She is regarded as one of the destructive forms of Durga Maa. The complexion of this goddess is dark, her hair remained open and her necklace shines like a thunder, though the necklace is made of bones. It is said that flames came out when she breathes and she has got three eyes.
Story behind Goddess Kalratri
Once a demon called raktabheej got a boon from brahma. And according to that, he will multiply as soon as his blood falls on the ground. He became famous, as the demon whose blood works as seeds. He started creating havoc for humans. To kill him, Goddess Kalratri drank all his blood before it reached the ground and killed the demon.
Kalratri Maa represents Peace and Prayer
Color Of The Day should be White
Kalratri Mantra
Om Bhurbhuva svah kalaraatri iha gaccha ihatisha
kalaratryai namah kalaratrimavahayami sthapayami
namah padhyadibhih pujanaambidhaaya
Benefits of chanting Kalratri Mantra
If you want to remove all your fears from your heart then chant this , it also makes the devotees more self confident. If you feel that there is some suspicious evil spell or force pursuing you for anything, then chant this mantra. This mantra will bestow peace in your life and shall bring happiness. Yogis also chant this to attain mystic powers.
Day 8
This day is represented to Maa Durga’s avatar called . This day is also called as Ashtami or Kanjak. She has the power to relive all problems of the devotees and relive them from all their sufferings. She is a Fair in complexion and has four hands, one has lotus, second one has a trident, the third has a drum and the fourth is giving the blessing.
Story behind Maa Maha Gauri
When goddess Parvati had to marry Lord Shiv, for that she had to perform a penance, so that she can get Lord Shiva as her husband. She had to undergo a lot of pain and hardships, due to that her complexion turned dark. Later Lord Shiva accepted her as his wife and bathed her with water from the Ganges which turned her complexion back to fair, thats how she is knows as Maa Maha Gauri.
Maa Maha Gauri represents intelligence, peace, prosperity and calm.
Color Of The Day: Sky Blue
Mantra For Maa Maha Gauri
Seek the blessings of Maa Mahagauri by chanting the following mantra for peace and success in your life:
Vande Vanchit Kamarth Chandrardhkrit Shekharam
Sinhruda Chaturbhuja Mahagauri Yashswanim
Purnandu Nibhan Gauri Somchakrastithta Ashtam Mahagauri Trinetram
Varabhitikaran Trishool Damroodharan Mahagauri Bhajem
Patambar Paridhanan Mriduhasya Nanalankar Bhooshitam
Manjeer Haar Keyoor, Kinkini, Ratnakundal Manditam
Praful Vandana Pallavandhara Kaant Kapolan Trailokya Mohnam
Kamniya Lavanya Mrinal Chandangandhliptam.
Day 9
This day is celebrated to mark the presence of Durga Maa’s (th avatar called Maa Siddhidatri, she is beloved to be the possessor of 26 different wishes and thats what she fulfills of her worshipers or true devotees. It is said that Lord shiva got all these sidhis from Maa shakti, thats why he was called Ardhanishvar.
She is also known as the Maa who moves ignorance and provides knowledge to her devotees. Maa sits on the kamal and rides a lion. She has four hands; one has kamal, the second has Gada, the third has a Shankha and the fourth has a a chakra.
Story behind Maa Siddhidatri
She is the ever victorious, Maa Siddhidatri is also known as Goddess Laxmi.
She is a symbol of wealth, happiness and success
Color Of The Day is Pink
Mantra For Maa Siddhidatri
"Siddh Gandharv Yagyadhair Surair Marairapi, Sevyamana Sada Bhooyaat Siddhida Siddhi Dayanee"
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